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Women's Rosh Chodesh Gathering in honor of the month of Cheshvan

The month of Cheshvan, also known as Mar-Cheshvan, has a unique place in the Jewish calendar. It is famously the only month without any festivals or holidays, leading to its nickname "Mar," which means "bitter" in Hebrew.

However, this “bitter” month also has its own quiet potential. Cheshvan represents an opportunity to integrate the spiritual inspiration and growth from Tishrei into daily life. Rather than relying on the energy of holidays, Cheshvan calls for us to apply the insights and commitments from Tishrei independently, deepening our spiritual practice through personal efforts and consistency.

In some mystical traditions, Cheshvan is seen as the month reserved for the ultimate redemption. The Midrash shares that Cheshvan will one day be “sweetened” when it becomes the month associated with the building of the Third Temple, adding a layer of hidden promise to its quietness.


October 31st, 2024 from  7:00 PM to  9:00 PM
10 East 8th Street
Kavanah Space, lower ground floor
New York, NY 10003
United States
Event Fee(s)
General Admission $30.00
Donation to the work of the Chabad loft $56.00
Donation to the work of the Chabad loft $108.00